
Run target for multiple listed projects


nx run-many

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.


Test all projects:

nx run-many -t test

Test proj1 and proj2 in parallel:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2

Test proj1 and proj2 in parallel using 5 workers:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2 --parallel=5

Test proj1 and proj2 in sequence:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2 --parallel=false

Test all projects ending with *-app except excluded-app. Note: your shell may require you to escape the * like this: \*:

nx run-many -t test --projects=*-app --exclude excluded-app

Test all projects with tags starting with api-. Note: your shell may require you to escape the * like this: \*:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:api-*

Test all projects with a type:ui tag:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:type:ui

Test all projects with a type:feature or type:ui tag:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:type:feature,tag:type:ui

Run lint, test, and build targets for all projects. Requires Nx v15.4+:

nx run-many --targets=lint,test,build

Preview the task graph that Nx would run inside a webview:

nx run-many -t=build --graph

Save the task graph to a file:

nx run-many -t=build --graph=output.json

Print the task graph to the console:

nx run-many -t=build --graph=stdout



Type: boolean

Default: true

[deprecated] run-many runs all targets on all projects in the workspace if no projects are provided. This option is no longer required.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Run task(s) in batches for executors which support batches


Type: string

This is the configuration to use when performing tasks on projects


Type: string

Exclude certain projects from being processed


Type: string

Show the task graph of the command. Pass a file path to save the graph data instead of viewing it in the browser. Pass "stdout" to print the results to the terminal.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: boolean

Default: false

Stop command execution after the first failed task


Type: boolean

Default: false

Ignore cycles in the task graph


Type: string

Choices: [dynamic, static, stream, stream-without-prefixes]

Defines how Nx emits outputs tasks logs


Type: string

Max number of parallel processes [default is 3]


Type: string

Projects to run. (comma/space delimited project names and/or patterns)


Type: string

This is the name of the tasks runner configured in nx.json


Type: boolean

Default: false

Rerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache


Type: string

Tasks to run for affected projects


Type: boolean

Prints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces)


Type: boolean

Show version number